Relocation, Arkansas: Will History Repeat Itself?
On July 13, the Butler Center will open "A Matter of Mind and Heart," the last installment of our series on the Japanese internment camps at Rohwer, Arkansas. In conjunction with that exhibition, Relocation, Arkansas will show that afternoon at __ pm at the Ron Robinson Theater. A powerful testimony to the effects of the incarceration of Japanese-Americans during WWII, the film was produced and directed by Vivienne Schiffer, a native of Rohwer. Recently, a possibility was raised that Latino children who have crossed the south border of the United States might be housed at a camp within 5 miles of the original site at Rohwer. At that possibility, George Takei, beloved Star Trek actor who spent his youth in the Rohwer internment camp, posted the following Twitter comment: "Just heard that they are considering a detainment center for immigrant children just two miles from where I spent my childhood behind barbed wire in a camp in Roh...